In a desperate attempt to find entertainment, Fishtown gets ransacked..
First stop, CVS on Aramingo and York...what you don't shop in stiletto hooker heels all the time? I know I do..
Next stop, Thriftway. Um, yes that is an entire aisle of white bread. Not a whole
grain in sight. Apparently my only choice is to become morbidly obese. Awesome.
Whoever put this display together was clearly high on something, or a genius. Calling all single, lonely, cat ladies on Valentine's Day!!
This is perfect for me for work, it really accommodates the diverse needs of the people i encounter daily. I feel so fortunate being surrounded by such forward thinking fashion.
And if you can believe it, this is only the beginning. Next up, the rainbow variety of sweatpants/sweatshirts available at your (my) local RiteAid!!
i'm totally giving up on fixing the font under the second post so as not to smash my computer into a million pieces.